What I learn about happiness from my Dog


My dog wakes up every day completely overjoyed to be alive.  He’s not stressing about all the stuff he needs to do or wants to get.

My dog is always full of energy.  All he wants to do is play and make everyone around him happy.  In fact, the only thing that upsets Awesome (yes, I named my dog “Awesome”) is when other people are upset.

My dog will play with anyone.  He has no judgment and doesn’t have an ego.  He wears his heart on his sleeve (um, paw).

Awesome takes care of his body.  He stops eating when he’s full.  He constantly hydrates.  He’s always ready to exercise, even when he’s tired.  And he stretches every time he gets up.

Awesome is always present in the moment – never thinking about the future or the past.  He’s not thinking about anything other than what’s going on right now.  The most important things in his life are the people close to him at any given moment.

No matter how many times I take him outside, he wants to smell and examine everything.  The world never gets old for awesome.  He can turn anything into an excuse to have fun, explore, and share joy.

My dog is happy and he shows me how easy it can be to find happiness.  He’s happy because he finds simple joy in everything around him.  He’s happy because he doesn’t know how to be anything other than just himself – and that’s always Awesome!

16 thoughts on “What I learn about happiness from my Dog”

  1. Wow, thank you! That is so well written. Thanks for sharing that. There really is so many lessons in that story. You could have just as rightly named your dog Buddha. Your story blew my mind – its totally Awesome!

  2. Wow, thank you! That is so well written. Thanks for sharing that. There really is so many lessons in that story. You could have just as rightly named your dog Buddha. Your story blew my mind – its totally Awesome!

  3. i have to agree…very well written indeed! also, 100% true. you described HIM [his overall deamenor, being, sense of self and others…] in such a beautiful and reflective way. Awesome is Love.

  4. I fully agree with your statement about an awesome relationship. I just wanted to add: as the expression goes – a third is not given – (selecting between yes or no) there is the way of the middle. As a binding between intellect and high emotions there should be the sense of humor! That is the secret of a perfect relationship!
    Have a good smile everyday at yourself!

  5. I love all the lessons you’ve learned from Awesome! He shows us how to live with pure joy in every moment and how simple it is to make the most out of life.

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